At Your Side.
Child Injury Attorney in Jacksonville FL
Child Injury Attorneys in North Florida
Jacksonville Child Injury Attorney

Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. has represented injured Florida children and their families for over 50 years.
Handling a Florida personal injury case requires knowledge of the current Florida laws, medical care, education, and family matters as they all pertain to the injured child.
David Wolf – Child Injury Attorney
As a resource of information and advice for parents and guardians of injured children,David A. Wolf, partner of Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. is the editor of two law blogs (websites) dedicated to child safety, injury, and legal matters.
For Florida Child Injury issues, cases and laws, you can go to theFlorida Child Injury Lawyer Blog. This blog contains over 1500 useful and informative articles on child injury matters.
For issues, cases, and laws for other States, you can go to theChild Injury Lawyer Blog. This blog also has over 1500 articles that parents, caregivers, and others can use as a guide and resource when there is a question or issue regarding an injured child.
At Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A., we are On Your Side At Your Side forchild injury mattersincluding daycare center and child care center injuries, auto accidents, bicycle accidents, trucking accidents, pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice, injuries at school, playground injuries, slip and fall, and other types of cases.
Injuries at Florida Day Care Centers, Florida Child Care Centers, and Day / Summer Camps are especially troubling since these places should be a safe haven for children rather than a place where personal injuries result from abuse, neglect, negligence, inattention, and / or improper supervision.
SeeFlorida Day Care Center and Child Care Frequently Asked Questions– Rights of the Injured Child – Legal Responsibilities of the Day Care Center.
For more information on child injury matters, you can read the book titledThe ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know.
You can receive a free copy of the book byclicking here – Free Child Book for Parents of Injured Children.
Child Injury Attorney in North Florida
At Wood, Atter and Wolf, we understand that having a child who has been injured is a scary and stressful time.
If you would like a free consultation with David Wolf, call today at (904) 355-8888. You can also schedule a consultation online.