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Trucking Accident Attorneys in Jacksonville FL
Trucking Accident Attorneys in North Florida
Jacksonville FL Trucking Accident Lawyers
Jacksonville Truck Accident Injury Lawyers
Today, more than at any other time in recent history, large numbers of commercial trucks are entering our roadways (city streets, interstates and neighborhoods), sharing the same space we use in our everyday life.
With the recent economic recovery that is taking place in our country, commercial trucking has become a good indicator on how the economy is growing.
As product demand increases so does the congestion of commercial trucking.
It invades our roadways, delivering products and services to a growing nation.
Unfortunately, with the increased numbers of trucks entering service they bring an ever-increasing number of accidents and injuries.
Florida’s Transportation Dilemma
In 2015 there were approximately 340 trucking accidents occurring every day in the United States.
These trucking accidents accounted for roughly 12 deaths per day, over 4,300 deaths per year.
The State of Florida’s position in the trucking industry serves as one of the most important truck routes taken in the nation.
Our numerous ports receiving goods from the U.S., Caribbean, Latin America, South America, Europe, the Far East. Florida’s trucking industry transports these good to the entire southeast region and beyond.
Because of this, automobile drivers in Florida, and especially in the north and northeast part of the state are more at risk of being involved in a trucking accident than people in other areas of the country.

Due to semi-trucks size and the overwhelming number entering our roadway systems, truck accidents are becoming more common.
These accidents often produce very serious injuries and sometimes death occurs. Additionally, commercial trucking accidents tend to make insurance claims much more difficult.
Semi-Truck Accident Claims
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident involving a truck, commercial freight carrier or other licensed transportation vehicle, it is necessary to hire an experienced trucking accident attorney.
Wood, Atter and Wolf is a personal injury law firm specializing in all types of truck and semi-truck accidents.
Truck accident legal claims and cases may involve more than one responsible party because many drivers are independent contractors.
Each truck accident case should be evaluated on its own facts and merits.
As part of the investigation of the crash, the status of the driver as an independent contractor or employee of a trucking company will be evaluated to determine how to best pursue the case.
Some trucking companies are out of state, making the claims process more difficult.
Insurance filings and compensation sought for injuries can be much more complicated then say traditional automobile accidents.
Trucking Accidents in Florida
Last year in the State of Florida, there were hundreds of trucking accidents, and a significant number of these accidents led to very serious injuries and fatalities. Statistically, of all traffic related fatalities nationwide, 12% are caused by trucks.
In almost 98% of truck crashes involving a fatality, it is the driver or passenger in the motor vehicle, not the truck driver, who dies as a result of the truck accident.
When a driver or passenger of an automobile accident dies as a result of a truck accident that is the fault of the truck driver, a Florida Wrongful Death claim or case can be pursued by one or more surviving family members.
Wood, Atter and Wolf understand the intricacies, challenges, laws, and rights to compensation that relate to a Florida Wrongful Death claim or case.
Following a truck accident caused by the carelessness or negligence of a truck driver, the injury victim should seek immediate medical attention.
Thereafter, it is important to contact an experienced truck accident attorney firm like Wood, Atter and Wolf. Never answer insurance questions about your accident without first obtaining legal advice.
Insurance companies that represent trucking firms will always try to lower the value of your claim or deny it completely.
Leading Factors Involved In Trucking Accidents
The majority of trucking accidents that occur in Florida involve flatbed trailers and enclosed box trucks (18 Wheelers), as seen in most delivery type trucks on the road today.
More of these types of trucks are in service hauling freight and goods to market.

Florida also has a large number of logging trucks in use because of all the pine tree farms. This is especially the case in the northern part of the state.
Sand and dirt haulers and dump trucks, are also in wide circulation throughout the state.
Florida has its fair share of in-climate weather contributing to dangerous road conditions causing all types of accidents.
Truck weights and size make their vehicles much more dangerous for smaller cars. Additionally, truck driver fatigue, driver distractions, unsafe driving or large truck safety defects are the main reasons for truck accidents.
This often leads to serious injury or death since a lot of these accidents are head-on collisions.
Physical and Emotional Impact of Being Involved In A Semi-Truck Accident
If you or a family member has been injured in a large truck accident, you may be able to receive compensation for medical bills, as well as pain and suffering.
Consulting with a seasoned Jacksonville truck accident lawyer can help you understand the legal options and remedies available to you.
A semi-tractor trailer, dump truck, or large commercial vehicle including buses are much larger than passenger vehicles including cars, trucks, mini vans, sports cars, and other vehicles.
The traumatic impact from a trucking accident can lead to and serious personal injuries and, in some cases, wrongful death.
Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys
The law firm of Wood, Atter and Wolf can guide you through the legal process.
We can work with insurance companies and medical providers to help you get back on your feet. And we can help you recover the compensation you deserve.
At Wood, Atter and Wolf, the attorneys are On Your Side – At Your Side.
If you have been injured in a trucking accident or are the relative of someone who has been hurt or killed in a trucking accident and you need an aggressive attorney, contact our Jacksonville personal injury law firm online or call us at (904) 355-8888 to set up a FREE personal injury consultation to discuss your legal options.