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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Jacksonville FL
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in North Florida
Legal Rights of the Injured Motorcyclist

Sadly, the injuries from motorcycle accidents are often severe or fatal.
The lawyers at Wood, Atter & Wolf have helped many families who have experienced the wrongful death of a loved one in a motorcycle accident receive just compensation.
Drivers have a duty to watch for other vehicles. Unfortunately, many motorcycle accidents occur because a driver did not see them.
Because motorcycles do not have the same safety devices as an automobile – including seat belts and airbags – the results of a motorcycle accident are usually much more severe for the motorcyclist.
In Florida, we have great weather and roads. So, there are many motorcyclists traveling our roads.
Drivers should exercise caution when driving near or by motorcyclists. Even with a helmet in place, serious personal injuries result from most motorcycle accidents.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident due to another person’s negligence, you need to consult with a motorcycle accident attorney who can inform you of all your legal options.
At Wood, Atter & Wolf, we have the experience and the resources – including access to accident reconstruction experts, medical specialists, and crash investigators – to obtain the compensation you need and deserve for your injury or the death of your loved one.
CallWood, Atter & Wolf at (904) 355-8888 or click for a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys who can answer your questions and help you with all your legal needs.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in North Florida
At Wood, Atter and Wolf, we know that a bicycle accident is a scary and stressful time. Find out how a motorcycle accident attorney can help you.
So, if you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you need an experienced and aggressive motorcycle accident lawyer.
If you would like a free consultation with David Wolf, call today at (904) 355-8888. You can also schedule a consultation online.